Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fleming's 2008 family pictures

Adding another member to our family ALWAYS
requires updated family pictures. We had to go see Uncle Mike again.

Below are our 2008 family pictures.
(All picture credit goes to Mike and Sherilyn for their talents.)

Jenna and James possing for Mike.
Jenna didn't mind the picture taking but

James is a boy and wasn't happy doing the picture thing.
(These are two of our favorites of the kids)

Jenna enjoyed possing for Mike in his studio.

(These are two of our favorite pictures of her.)

James wasn't happy with pictures taking
but Mike and Sherilyn did a great job
considering how grouchy he was.

Below are two of the best pictures.
What a cute little boy---- he really has dimps on both side of those cheeks!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jenna the SNOW ANGEL!!!

Last week I told Jenna that it was going to
snow pretty soon. She was so excited and couldn't
wait until she could get her clothes on to play in it.
TODAY!!! Sunday I ventured out of the warm
house while Brian was home to watch James.
Jenna and I went out and played in the snow,
we made snow angels. Jenna loved to walk in the
deep snow (it was only 2-3 inches deep--NOTHING yet.)
Below are picture of her angel making adventure.

Close up of our little snow angel Jenna!!!
She makes me smile, laugh and helps me
remember that Mom's can have fun and plan in the snow too!!!

Santa made a stop in our town!!!

Santa Claus made a stop in our town!!!
Every year Santa comes to our town by riding on
the town fire truck and sounding his siren. Then you know
that Santa and his raindeer landed in town. Then you
can come to the city office and sit on his lap.
It is really nice because the lines are short
and the Santa treat is a large bag of assorted candies!!

Below are pictures of both the kids!

Jenna and James with Santa

Jenna hugging Santa. Jenna has really
been into Christmas this year. The first thing that
she asked to have Santa bring was a blue ballerina doll
that we found searching the different stores websites.
Well Santa doesn't make those dolls anymore (they are sold out)
so we have decided on him bring a scooter and a disney Auora doll.

Jenna was really nervous about sitting on his lap
but then I asked her to be really brave.
After sitting on his lap she said, "I was really brave Mom."
Then after we came home she said to Brian, "Santa is really real."

James didn't really care about Santa.
He just sit there really cute and Daddy
gets to eat the treats from Santa.